Become a SERVER
Servers are the men and women who volunteer to serve on Encounters weekends. Sometimes they give a testimony, sometimes they are doing behind the scenes work that few others are even aware of.
Encounter Servers are everyday men and women who have already attended a previous event and have surrendered their story and their lives to Jesus Christ. You don't have to be a pastor or have 1/2 the bible memorized. Your simple "yes Lord, use me" is enough to make a huge impact for the next group looking for freedom.
While there are no hard and fast requirements other than having attended a previous Encounter, serving at an Encounter is not a commitment to be taken lightly. Every server sacrifices valuable time, energy, and resources in order to participate. As an Attendee you experienced a true surrender in your heart, as a Server you get to put it into practice. Here are some of the basic commitments.
Weekly Server meetings typically begin 5 weeks prior to an event starting and attendance is required in-order to be a Server. All but one meeting is online and attended via Zoom.
The week before Encounter starts all Servers participate in a 40 hour fast beginning Thursday and finishing on Sat morning. We meet in person Friday night while fasting for an all night prayer meeting. This is the one and only "in-person" meeting prior to Encounter starting.
Servers pay the same price to attend Encounters as Attendees do.
If you have more questions or are interested in serving, please click on CONTACT and drop us a line. Well be happy to chat with you.